Good examples of this holistic approach range from the postural advice we offer – showing someone how to sit correctly so that nerves passing from the neck down into the arm do not get compressed and irritated, to dietary advice – eating more foods that contain vitamin B12 (meat, eggs) and folate (broccoli, peas) can help with paraesthesia associated with a certain type of anaemia. This method is especially useful with symptoms such as pins and needles which can be vague and intermittent.
We treat the body as a whole focusing on returning you back to full health where possible. There is evidence to support the osteopathic treatment of sciatica, neuralgia and circulatory problems all of which can lead to paraesthesia. Should we have any doubts about the symptoms we will refer you to your GP with an accompanying letter with our clinical findings so that further investigation can take place. By taking a comprehensive medical case history and using orthopaedic and neurological clinical testing we can tell you what the cause of the pins and needles is, giving you a clear diagnosis and prognosis. The practitioners at Osteo and Physio in Tiverton, Cullompton and Ottery are trained to diagnose these conditions. Two good examples of diverse problems that can often result in pins and needles occurring are sciatica, where the nerve often gets trapped as it exits the spine resulting in leg and foot pain and carpal tunnel syndrome, where the nerve gets trapped local to the source of paraesthesia, in the wrist and hand. Nerves can become compressed at any point from when they exit the spine to when they reach their destination at a muscle. What actually happens is the blood supply is reduced to the nerve so that the sensory information that the brain receives via the spinal cord is disrupted resulting in pins and needles. One way that paraesthesia occurs is by nerve compression. Or numbness may occur on both sides of the body. Numbness can occur along a single nerve on one side of the body.

Other symptoms can include: a feeling of heaviness in the area affected tightness, stiffness or aching in the affected area. Your clothes, shoes, or jewellery may become tighter. It also is often used to describe other changes in sensation, such as burning or a pins-and-needles feeling. First symptoms of lymphoedema One of the first symptoms you might notice is swelling in part of the body. The briefest electric shock type of paresthesia can be caused by tweaking the. It happens when sustained pressure is placed on a nerve. Paresthesias of the hands, feet, legs, and arms are common transient symptoms. It is vital to have a detailed medical case history and examination to determine the cause of the altered sensations. Definition By Mayo Clinic Staff Numbness describes a loss of feeling in a part of the body. Most people have experienced temporary paresthesiaalso known as a feeling of 'pins and needles'at some time in their lives when they have sat with their legs crossed for too long or fallen asleep with an arm positioned under their head. There are a variety of reasons that can lead to paraesthesia occurring in your hands and feet.